CBL is a wonderful initiative. Quality Content along with personal mentorship that CBL provides can be the best assets in the journey of UPSC preparation.
In the journey of Civil Services Preparation, it is very important that someone guide you through all the do's and don'ts of preparation, pitfalls and avoidable mistakes, help you with timetable, redirect your energies to the areas that require improvement.
I want to thank Chetan Sir for his continuous guidance throughout my preparation. He simplifies complicated concepts in a very lucid manner. My best wishes to the CBL team.
Very commendable initiative. Great audio-visual quality and very relevant content. My best wishes to the team CBL.
I want to wish all the best to Chetan Sir and the entire CBL team for their CBL-UPSC initiative. I am sure students will take full benefit of CBL's highly knowledgeable and accessible faculty.
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Young minds can achieve heights of success if their creativity and Knowledge are enhanced from right age. CBL bring you the best opportunity to learn and practice concepts through an online medium and build complete understanding of various life lessons that are taught at school. These online lectures will not only boost confidence of child in the class but also prepare them for future competitive endeavors. Young minds can achieve heights of success if their creativity and Knowledge are enhanced from right age. CBL bring you the best opportunity to learn and practice concepts through an online medium and build complete understanding of various life lessons that are taught at school. These online lectures will not only boost confidence of child in the class but also prepare them for future competitive endeavors. Young minds can achieve heights of success if their creativity and Knowledge are enhanced from right age. CBL bring you the best opportunity to learn and practice concepts through an online medium and build complete understanding of various life lessons that are taught at school. These online lectures will not only boost confidence of child in the class but also prepare them for future competitive endeavors.