Overcoming UPSC Challenges with Mentorship Course

UPSC Mentorship Course | Overcoming Challenges & Moving Forward

Are you feeling sad because you haven't yet passed the UPSC exam? Don't worry, you are not alone. Many folks experience the same issue. But, guess what? You can still attain your dream with the appropriate support and mindset. Chetan Bharat Learning offers the best UPSC coaching in Chandigarh.


Facing Challenges: It's Normal

It's acceptable to be disappointed when things don't go as planned. However, keep in mind that failures are only bumps in the road, not the end of the voyage.


Bouncing Back: Getting Stronger

Instead of giving up, view setbacks as opportunities to learn and better. Consider what went wrong and how you can improve next time. Continue to be cheerful and go forward.


Learning from Experiences: Analyzing Student Performance

Consider a student who received an astounding 193 points on the personality test, one of the best results. Another student, who scored between 780 and 790 on the written exam, scored much lower on the personality test. This emphasises the value of a balanced preparation strategy.


Moving Forward: Key Lessons for the Upcoming Year

It is critical to learn from one’s experiences and move on. Let us discuss a few points to ensure greater preparedness in the future.


Avoiding a Defeatist Attitude: Embracing a Positive Mindset

This year, let us not go into the exam with a defeatist attitude. Who are these defeatists? They are the ones who begin to complain months before the exam, about incomplete topics and missed sections. This approach is unhelpful.


Setting a Timeline: Structured Preparation Plan

Our timeline is straightforward: by December, we should have completed our optional subject. There is no place for excuses, such as missing sections of GS Paper 1 or Paper 2. Such justifications are indicative of a losing attitude.


Current Affairs: Streamlining Your Preparation

You've already realised that reading the newspaper all year and sticking to a good standard series is enough to keep up with current events. More than this is needless, and less is harmful. Treat the newspaper as a holy scripture for UPSC preparation, whether it's The Hindu or The Indian Express.


Building Confidence: The Importance of Consistency

Reading the newspaper every day not only keeps you informed but also boosts your confidence. When you sit for the exam, knowing you've maintained a consistent current affairs strategy throughout the year gives you confidence.


Specific Strategies: Weekly Subject-Specific Current Affairs

To help you prepare, we offer weekly subject-specific current affairs updates. Every Monday, we post a brief 15 to 20-minute film about the previous week's science and technology news, accompanied with a PDF, a mains question, and two MCQs. This pattern continues throughout the week, with economics on Tuesday, international relations and security on Wednesday, geography and the environment on Thursday, politics on Friday, and social issues on Saturday.


Effective Answer Writing: Quality Over Quantity

Instead of writing daily responses to each inquiry you receive, concentrate on providing quality replies. Collect the questions and devote time to crafting comprehensive replies.

Adopting these tactics and maintaining a positive, disciplined approach can prepare you to excel in your competitive exams.


Finding Support: Getting Help Along the Way

Mentors are like guides who can lead you through difficult times. Chetan Bharat Learning's mentorship program provides personalised guidance to help you succeed.


Looking Ahead: Believing in Possibilities

Things haven't worked out yet, but that doesn't imply they never will. Keep hoping and working hard. With the correct mindset and support, you can accomplish anything.



Don't let setbacks prevent you from achieving your goals. With determination and help, you can overcome any obstacle. Chetan Bharat Learning, the best UPSC Institute in Chandigarh is here to help you in your UPSC journey. Let's face challenges together and make your ideas a reality.


Read More About The UPSC Foundation Course: The Ultimate Guide.