How to Make Notes for Punjab Civil Service

Effective Note-Taking for Punjab Civil Service Exam Success

When someone aspires to pass the PCS exam, the first thing that springs to mind is a daunting stack of books and an exhaustive list of PCS materials. Having the correct list of books is the first step on this difficult path. To excel in the Punjab PCS, take short notes and review them frequently. With these concerns in mind, Chetan Bharat Learning the best Punjab PCS Institute in Chandigarh provides a note-taking approach for Punjab PCS.


1. Understanding The PCS Syllabus:

It is critical to begin by completely comprehending the Punjab PCS Exam syllabus and reviewing the previous year's question papers (PYQs) to discover common themes. Only by reviewing the previous year's question papers can one understand the main aspects of each subject. As a result, notes can be prepared on the most important topics.


2. Organise Your Study Place: 

Finding a comfortable and well-lit study place is crucial for Punjab PCS note-taking as it improves concentration.


3. When to Make Notes: 

Taking notes immediately after the first reading can lead to excessive highlighting. It is preferable to begin taking notes on the second reading of a subject. It is best to seek help in identifying essential themes. Otherwise, a significant amount of time can be wasted taking notes on unimportant themes and sub-issues.


4. Keep the Notes Very Concise:

Short, clear notes are easy to rewrite. The goal of taking notes is to make it easy for the student to revise in as little time as possible before the exam. Long notes are tough to revise and waste a lot of time rather than save time during revision.


5. Selecting the Appropriate Note-Taking Method for Punjab PCS:


Mind Mapping: Use visual diagrams to connect ideas.

Outline Method: Use bullet points and hierarchies to organise your PCS notes.

Cornell Method: Break up your paper into sections for notes, clues, and a summary.


The rule for creating notes is to condense 100 words into 10 to 15 words; otherwise, your PCS notes will lose their meaning. Otherwise, it is best to highlight instead of taking notes.


6. Where to Take Notes:

Use digital tools like 'Microsoft Word'' or write on paper. If you are using pen and paper, leave space in the margins of an A4 sheet to add current developments or supplementary information. It's easier to organise and edit digital notes.


7. Punjab PCS Revision with Notes: 


Notes are provided for efficient revision. If you don't revise your notes, your chances of making the PCS Examination Final List may decrease.


If you are preparing after the PCS Notification has been issued, you should not begin taking notes immediately. Instead, obtaining tutoring can make things easier for you because you will be provided with concise notes and guidance about the important sections.


In conclusion, Chetan Bharat Learning offers the best Punjab PCS coaching in Chandigarh. keeping focus and consistency is the key to success in the difficult Punjab PCS Exam. Stay focused on your study and revisions. Best of luck with your PCS exam.

Read more about Punjab PCS Previous Year Question Papers (Download PDF Link)